Download the Liminal eBook

Effective Nonprofit Branding

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Unlock your organization's potential with practical insights from years of nonprofit leadership experience.

In this book, we examine how liminality can offer an excellent opportunity to reestablish or reimagine your organizational identity. We share key strategies for crafting a clear and compelling nonprofit brand identity that will serve as a roadmap to a new destination — even when that destination is unclear, uncertain, and undefined.

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“Liminal space is the uncertain place you find yourself in when you have left a comfort zone but have yet to reach a new destination.”

Branding Best Practices for Nonprofits

What is liminal space, and how does it affect organizational development?

What are the key characteristics of nonprofit branding?

What is a core messaging stack?

How can I expand our nonprofit audience and grow our annual budget?

"When it comes to helping nonprofits cut through the noise, there are only a few experts I trust to show me the way — Todd’s one of them. With soul and sincerity, Todd shows us that great nonprofit branding doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of putting in the work so that what you’re saying about what you’re doing connects with the right people."

Tom Ward 

Executive Director, Advocacy Global

"This book guides you through the scariest season for any organization: the season of growth. This book not only offers a comforting clarity when it comes to navigating the uncharted waters of growth and expansion but is also a comprehensive guide to building a stronger brand awareness and relationship with your ideal audience. A must read."

Savannah Carreno

"This book provides a breakdown of complex strategies into simple, actionable steps that can transform any nonprofit. My experience working with Liminal has proven the power of these methods, leading to remarkable improvements in our nonprofit's visibility and overall success."

Sommer Wisher

Executive Director, Wake Smiles

"In my 30 years of experience working in profit and non-profit entities, no matter how passionate we are about the cause, the challenging space of the unknown is what locks up organizations and stifles growth. The unknown is where Liminal enters and brings confidence, clarity and measured understanding to establishing presence to your future partners. What I've learned is when I don't know 'how', I turn to 'who' and this eBook leads me directly to Liminal for real help to advance the cause."

Chris Marshall

Leadership Coach

"The team at Liminal are visionaries. They are experts at taking a leader's thoughts and ideas and turning them into compelling messaging and imagery. This eBook is their blueprint for doing the same for your organization. "

Jason Gibson

Founder & President, Hood Code


We firmly believe that nonprofit organizations are the most well-prepared entities to make sense of a world that, far too often, doesn’t make much sense. These organizations are at the forefront of addressing critical social, economic, environmental, and humanitarian issues that our country and world face daily.

The leaders of these organizations who are closest to the ground are often willing to engage in issues and challenges that many of us have the privilege of ignoring and hoping someone else will deal with.

In this book, our goal is to provide your organizations with foundational resources that will help you lead the rest of us in making sense of the world and guide us in creating lasting change in our communities and across the globe.

Organizations like yours are in what we call “liminal space.” In fact, we believe the whole world is in liminal space. Political, social, environmental, and personal unrest defines our human experience — and that is probably an understatement.

That period of uncertainty is full of challenges and hardships and is often marked by a change in identity. But it’s at this point that organizations are best poised for transition and transformation.

Liminality is a concept commonly used in anthropology, psychology, and other fields to describe moments or periods when individuals or groups are no longer what they used to be but have not yet fully become something else. This liminal space creates a unique opportunity to transform yourself, your organization, and the communities you serve.

We sincerely appreciate liminal space and the potential it creates, which may explain why we’ve made it our company’s namesake. At Liminal, we work exclusively with nonprofit organizations to navigate periods of uncertainty and growth to find clarity and momentum.

In this book, we’ll lay out a clear understanding of how liminality can offer an excellent opportunity to reestablish or reimagine your organizational identity...

Read the rest of the book by downloading it for free today.